Xenharmonikon content submission form


Xenharmonikon is a peer-reviewed online journal providing articles and information that capture the many varied innovations of current intonational practice. Xenharmonikon follows in the spirit of the original print edition by presenting articles and reviews on tuning theory, composition, instrument building, software development and information about tuning-related events around the world.

Innovations in the field of tuning warrant innovative forms of presentation. One of the goals of the new Xenharmonikon is to recognize the potential for an online journal to enhance the presentation of ideas through use of graphics, images, audio and video alongside text.

Recognizing developments both within academia and beyond, the journal is open to different writing styles as long as the submission is a clear and concise presentation that provides insight and expands the reader’s knowledge about possibilities in the ever-growing field of intonational practice.

It is the responsibility of the author to obtain copyright clearances if required.

Articles submitted to Xenharmonikon should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for another publication. Any subsequent publication of the same material elsewhere should acknowledge its first publication in Xenharmonikon.

Potential authors are welcome to contact the editors to discuss their ideas and/or seek assistance with submissions. Articles longer than 15,000 words should be discussed beforehand with the editors.

Submissions are accepted via the form provided on this page. Any combination of text, images, audio, video, hyperlinks, animation, or other media suitable for online presentation is encouraged and can be embedded within the initial submission.

Submission Process

  1. An author submits their article via the form provided on this page.
    • An abstract is required for all submissions regardless of the format.
    • The author acknowledges that the submission is original work and the author accepts all responsibility of its content including copyright clearances.
    • A .pdf or .doc/.docx file with embedded audio, video, and images is preferred for the initial submission. Please see the Media and Content Guidelines below for acceptable formats.
    • Authors using Linux: please contact us in advance to arrange content upload.
  2. The submission will initially be reviewed by the editors. If accepted at this preliminary stage, it will then be sent for single-blind peer review (where the identities of reviewers remain anonymous).
    • Notification of outcomes from the review process and requests for revisions will be communicated through the editors.
    • Submissions that are accepted for final publication will need to be formatted in accordance with Xenharmonikon’s style guidelines.
    • The author will be sent a temporary password along with the User name specified on “Submission form – initial”.
  3. Further instructions for providing final images, links to self-hosted media such as audio and video, etc., will be provided.
  4. Please contact us if you have any questions about our content submission process.

Media and Content Guidelines

Media and Content Type Format
Images .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png
Final image dimensions = 1400×600 & 750×500, run through ImageOptim or similar image optimization program
Audio .mp3, .m4a, .ogg, .wav
Video .avi, .mov (QuickTime), .mp4, .m4v (MPEG-4), .mpg, .ogv (Ogg), .wmv (Windows Media Video), .3gp (3GPP), .3g2 (3GPP2)
Documents .pdf (Portable Document Format; Adobe Acrobat), .doc, .docx (Microsoft Word Document), .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation), .odt (OpenDocument Text Document), .xls, .xlsx (Microsoft Excel Document)
Data tables and figures For preliminary submissions, all tables and figures should be embedded within the text. If the article is eventually accepted, separate files will need to be supplied for each example.
Animations HTML5 & CSS Animations
Please arrange with the Xenharmonikon editorial staff in advance to use formats such as “HTML5 or CSS animation” as they are currently considered BETA.
Footnotes and references Footnotes and references are to be placed at the end of the article and should conform to The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition.
Please note: Once a submission is approved, the author will be provided with final submission guidelines and must also ensure that all media files, including audio and video, are hosted on platforms such as SoundCloud, Bandcamp, Vimeo, YouTube, or their own website. Embed codes and/or hyperlinks must also be provided for each item.

Submission form - initial

NOTE: Examples of media assets (audio, video, and images) should be combined with the text in a single .pdf or .doc/.docx document but need not be final. Once an article is accepted, editors will request production-ready assets according to the Media and Content Guidelines.

  • Submitted by

  • If your submission is accepted, your User name and a system-generated password will be sent to you via email.
  • Submission to be reviewed

  • Separate keywords/tags with a comma
  • Accepted file types: doc, docx, odt, txt, Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.